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Spiritual Services

There are a few different options of working with me, if there are any options you don't see here, feel free to inquire and I'll point you in the right direction. Behind the scenes I have began extremley special commission work for very specific souls who have done extensive self-healing work, know who they are and what they bring to this world and are part of building the new earth crystalline light based structures and systems. I also am now offering longer term 1:1 mentorship for the right souls to be taken under my wing.
What is currently available is as follows

The Angelic Human

This is a high Angelic Portal 1:1 container for the high Initiate of the Angelic Order

This is for the highly sensitive empath who is ready to bring in their Angelic Human Templating and Gifts that she came in with fully here and integrated into the physical.

This is a deep level physical restructuring and integration with your full angelic self so that you can properly and effectively serve humanity as intended while also being comfortable and supported in the physical body

I will take you under my wing and we will work closely to prepare the physical body circuitry and stability to connect your whole life into your Angelic Imprints to run Higher Light for the planet through your crystalline field and being this frequency into your work bringing the energy of miracles.

This is about being a leader fully active on the planet and fully and actively actualising what you are here to build for the new earth we are shifting into.

Fully Realise your role as the physical counterpart for the waveform angelics and angelic prime creator angelic dragons who are upgrading humans into their full crystalline form angelic DNA.

I with the angelics will assist you to integrate and have a more easeful and comfortable experience on earth in your full mission. 

Become fully free to Live and express openly as the light-being you are, without the physical discomfort that comes with being a highly sensitive being holding such a high level of pristine light consciousness.

This container is best suited to empathic healers, seers, DNA Activators and Lightworkers it is a 1:1 highly encoded portal container with me which will run for 12 months

This included; weekly calls, voice messenger support, a monthly 2 hour Angelic Human Template Crystal Heart DNA Restructuring, A carefully selected and guided by the divine giftbox especially for supporting your angelic essence

USB Drive with 12 Angelic Human Crystal Heart Light Templates

Custom Light Language
Recordings Each month
to assist with your ascension 

Pay in full


Initiates Of The Pearl

High Level Initiates Group Container for Reclaiming The Oracle specifically for The Mermaid and Oceanic Priestess Lineage Of Light

Learn about the true capacity and purpose of the Pineal Gland, and Glandular Systems of the body and cells as you increase your energetic current and communication between them.

Unlock the sacred wisdom of The Lymphatic System, The Bones, Vagus Nerve and Krysmic Spinal Fluid.

Experience Highly Upgraded Oracular Vision
This focus is on healing the trauma of the oracle and the feminine, allowing for emotional purification and clearing to resurrect and protect oneself The Heart Knowing and be able to be in the world in bliss instead of pain and fear. 

The initiates of the pearl will rise into their soft and heart centred empowerment based in divine feminine safety and purity.

We will find safety together in using our telepathic abilities again beginning with other Soul Sisters, Communication with The Oceans Beings, and Oceanic Elementals.

Becoming a Clear Channel to the Crystalline Core Ascension Timeline, Higher responsibility, Higher Heart Healing Power and Divine Permissions, healing intrusions to our Oracle Vision that have hijacked what becomes manifest in the world in the collective, Learning to SEE the core central timeline, instantly dissolve false timelines and actualise the central core ascension timeline for the collective calling towards us other pearl holders / monad members and our water ocean soul family.

Restore your divine birthright for prosperity and unending provision by attuning to the pearl wealth codes of the oceanic oracle

Let this be your reclaimation 

Through Pineal, High Heart and Womb Gate Connection, Extending it’s lightbeams through the crown and radiating into a new emanation of yourself, full of a deeply secure self love clarity of vision, safety on earth and divine flowing prosperity 



Advanced Gridworker Guardians 

A starter bundle including a deep dive session, channeled tools all for advanced soul signature keycodes for accelerated awakening initiations and calls to gridwork. Those drawn to water, sound, Atlantis, Lemuria, Galactic Consciousness and the Elemental Consciousness. Will Include Custom Options, Lightworker and Grid 


Activation Wand for gridwork, 

a Soul Light Code Living Blueprint, 

1 hour Deep Dive Grid Attunement Session 

Channeled Light recordings

A series of Activation Keycodes digital artwork




Some other general single session offerings + personal channeled work

Soul Illumination Sessions

Soul Illumination Sessions
This is a session that works with creating a momentum of subtle energy to clear out your field, remove blocks in all body and energetic systems, upgrade your timeline  so that you can live more in alignment with who you are now becoming, deepening self- intimacy, bringing more of your true self into your embodiment here on earth feeling safe for your unique essence to be seen and shared with the world.

Personal Channeled Frequency Healing

receive a high quality digital download channeled healing sound activation catered to what you need at this time.

Unlock and remove deep blocks, reclaim energy and access more of your true self and soul. This Recording will be about 10 minutes long and is of deep potency.

To book any of these you have the option to go ahead and purchase in the products section, and reach out to me in the contact section to arrange your accompanying calendar appointment or you can go here and at the bottom of the page and schedule and pay directly under Schedule Appointment 

There are also
15 Minute Mini Intuitive Readings
which are recorded for you at a designated time
for any clear burning questions

    Schedule Here

for any other inquiries please reach me
via the contact section and allow at
least 24-48 hours for a response