Venusian Rose Ray Temple Divine Feminine Essence Retrieval 🌸
Rose Ray Temple Divine Feminine Essence Retrieval, Soft Ray Frequencies in the Venusian Angelic Temple of the rose ray. Be surrounded with Angelics, Guides and Divine Feminine Ascended Masters while we retrieve your divine feminine essence.
This in turn assisting with the resolution with past trauma, particularly of galactic war timelines of distorted power.
The blessings of the rose ray temple, re attuning you to your soft rose feminine essence.
the Venusian pink ray and rose ray temple of divine feminine grace brings you lost soul parts back, especially of attunement to your intuitive, softer, finely tuned feminine nature.
Reclaiming your purity and innocence in embodiment in your here and now. Calling all stuck parts of consciousness that have become frozen in the past back to your now with the upmost un-conditional love, self-forgiveness, self love and angelic tenderness allowing full emotional transmutation.
Be in the temple surrounded by your personal divine feminine ascended master guides, angelics and your higher self
Allow 50 minutes ~ 1 hour for the session